Author: RKSTD
HK Bipods vs OG Bipods
ROKSTEDi offers two different lines of hunting bipods. The HK Bipods offer a simple CANT feature & two positions with regards to […]
Hunting Fawn Eaters (Coyotes)
Craig’s choice of firearm for this hunt was a .22-250 Remington 700 with Grayboe Stock, Trigger Tech Trigger, Thunder Beast Ultra 7 […]
HK Bipods
We spent months developing a NEW bipod line which accomplished a few things for more serious hunters. The HK bipods are built […]
Garmin Xero C1 Pro Chrono *ROKSTEDi Vlog #4
ROKSTEDi Vlog #4 *Garmin Xero C1 Pro Chrono
ROKSTEDi GEN2 Height Adjustment (seated position)
Adjusting your bipod height from a seated/kneeling position is something that is common while in real hunting situations. Here is a short […]
800 Yard Prone Practice
In this video we discuss how important it is to know your effective range, your own abilities, your gear’s abilities & how […]
Best Prone Hunting Bipod
Although all of the ROKSTEDi bipods will get you in prone positions, we know some serious hunters want a lighter more compact […]